
open fun transform(    context: Context,     resource: Resource<GifDrawable>,     outWidth: Int,     outHeight: Int): Resource<GifDrawable>

Transforms the given resource and returns the transformed resource.

If the original resource object is not returned, the original resource will be recycled and it's internal resources may be reused. This means it is not safe to rely on the original resource or any internal state of the original resource in any new resource that is created. Usually this shouldn't occur, but if absolutely necessary either the original resource object can be returned with modified internal state, or the data in the original resource can be copied into the transformed resource.

If a Transformation is updated, equals, hashCode, and updateDiskCacheKey should all change. If you're using a simple String key an easy way to do this is to append a version number to your key. Failing to do so will mean users may see images loaded from cache that had the old version of the Transformation applied. Changing the return values of those methods will ensure that the cache key has changed and therefore that any cached resources will be re-generated using the updated Transformation.

During development you may need to either using NONE or make sure updateDiskCacheKey changes each time you make a change to the Transformation. Otherwise the resource you request may be loaded from disk cache and your Transformation may not be called.


The transformed resource.



The Application context


The resource to transform.


The width of the view or target the resource will be displayed in, or SIZE_ORIGINAL to indicate the original resource width.


The height of the view or target the resource will be displayed in, or SIZE_ORIGINAL to indicate the original resource height.