A simple base class with default (usually no-op) implementations of non essential methods that allows the caller to specify an exact width/height. Typically use cases look something like this:
Target<Bitmap> target =
.into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>(250, 250) {
public void onResourceReady(Bitmap resource, Transition<? super Bitmap> transition) {
// Do something with bitmap here.
Content copied to clipboard
// At some later point, clear the Target to release the resources, prevent load queues from
// blowing out proportion, and to improve load times for future requests:
Warning! this class is extremely prone to mis-use. Use SimpleTarget only as a last resort. ViewTarget or a subclass of ViewTarget is almost always a better choice.
Don't forget to clear instances of this class!. If you must use this class, keep in mind that unlike ViewTarget it is not safe to load into new instances of this class repeatedly if every instance updates the same underlying View or caller. If you need to load into the same View or caller repeatedly using this class, always retain a reference to the previous instance and either call clear on the old instance before starting a new load or you must re-use the old instance for the new load. Glide's into method returns the instance you provided to make retaining a reference to the Target as easy as possible. That said, you must wait until you're completely finished with the resource before calling clear and you should always null out references to any loaded resources in onLoadCleared.
Always try to provide a size when using this class. Use SimpleTarget whenever possible with values that are notSIZE_ORIGINAL. Using SIZE_ORIGINAL is unsafe if you're loading large images or are running your application on older or memory constrained devices because it can cause Glide to load very large images into memory. In some cases those images may throw OutOfMemoryError and in others they may exceed the texture limit for the device, which will prevent them from being rendered. Providing a valid size allows Glide to downsample large images, which can avoid issues with texture size or memory limitations. You don't have to worry about providing a size in most cases if you use ViewTarget so prefer ViewTarget over this class whenver possible.
Use CustomViewTarget if loading the content into a view, the download API if in the background (, or a for any specialized use-cases. Using SimpleTarget or BaseTarget is unsafe if the user does not implement onLoadCleared, resulting in recycled bitmaps being referenced from the UI and hard to root-cause crashes.
See also
The type of resource that this target will receive.