
open class LoadPathCache

Maintains a cache of data, resource, and transcode classes to available s capable of decoding with the requested types.


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open fun <Data, TResource, Transcode> get(    dataClass: Class<Data>,     resourceClass: Class<TResource>,     transcodeClass: Class<Transcode>): LoadPath<Data, TResource, Transcode>
May return NO_PATHS_SIGNAL to indicate that we've previously found that there are 0 available load paths for the requested types.
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open fun isEmptyLoadPath(path: LoadPath<out Any, out Any, out Any>): Boolean
Returns true if the given LoadPath is the signal object returned from get that indicates that we've previously found that there are no available paths to load the requested resources and false otherwise.
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open fun put(    dataClass: Class<out Any>,     resourceClass: Class<out Any>,     transcodeClass: Class<out Any>,     loadPath: LoadPath<out Any, out Any, out Any>)