
Implementation of TransitionOptions that exposes only generic methods that can be applied to any resource type.



The type of the resource that will be displayed.


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fun clone(): CHILD
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fun dontTransition(): CHILD
Removes any existing animation put on the builder.
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fun transition(transitionFactory: TransitionFactory<out Any>): CHILD
Uses the given TransitionFactory to build a for each request started with these TransitionOptions.
fun transition(animator: ViewPropertyTransition.Animator): CHILD
Sets an animator to run a android.view.
fun transition(viewAnimationId: Int): CHILD
Sets an android.view.animation.
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open fun <TranscodeType> with(transitionFactory: TransitionFactory<out Any>): GenericTransitionOptions<TranscodeType>
Returns a typed GenericTransitionOptions object that uses the given transition factory.
Returns a typed GenericTransitionOptions object that uses the given animator.
open fun <TranscodeType> with(viewAnimationId: Int): GenericTransitionOptions<TranscodeType>
Returns a typed GenericTransitionOptions object that uses the given view animation.
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open fun <TranscodeType> withNoTransition(): GenericTransitionOptions<TranscodeType>
Removes any existing animation put on the builder.