
open class LruCache<T, Y>

A general purpose size limited cache that evicts items using an LRU algorithm. By default every item is assumed to have a size of one. Subclasses can override getSize} to change the size on a per item basis.



The type of the keys.


The type of the values.


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open fun LruCache(size: Long)
Constructor for LruCache.


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open fun clearMemory()
Clears all items in the cache.
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open fun contains(key: T): Boolean
Returns true if there is a value for the given key in the cache.
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open fun get(key: T): Y
Returns the item in the cache for the given key or null if no such item exists.
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open fun put(key: T, item: Y): Y
Adds the given item to the cache with the given key and returns any previous entry for the given key that may have already been in the cache.
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open fun remove(key: T): Y
Removes the item at the given key and returns the removed item if present, and null otherwise.
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open fun setSizeMultiplier(multiplier: Float)
Sets a size multiplier that will be applied to the size provided in the constructor to put the new size of the cache.


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open val currentSize: Long
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open val maxSize: Long


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