A wrapper for strings representing http/https URLs responsible for ensuring URLs are properly escaped and avoiding unnecessary URL instantiations for loaders that require only string urls rather than URL objects.
Users wishing to replace the class for handling URLs must register a factory using GlideUrl.
To obtain a properly escaped URL, call toURL. To obtain a properly escaped string URL, call toStringUrl. To obtain a less safe, but less expensive to calculate cache key, call getCacheKey.
This class can also optionally wrap com.bumptech.glide.load.model.Headers for convenience.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns an inexpensive to calculate String suitable for use as a disk cache key.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns a non-null Map containing headers.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns a properly escaped String url that can be used to make http/https requests.
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Adds all uniquely identifying information to the given digest.