
class Builder

Constructs an MemorySizeCalculator with reasonable defaults that can be optionally overridden.


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open fun Builder(context: Context)


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open fun build(): MemorySizeCalculator
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open fun setArrayPoolSize(arrayPoolSizeBytes: Int): MemorySizeCalculator.Builder
Sets the size in bytes of the com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.ArrayPool to use to store temporary arrays while decoding data and returns this builder.
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open fun setBitmapPoolScreens(bitmapPoolScreens: Float): MemorySizeCalculator.Builder
Sets the number of device screens worth of pixels the should be able to hold and returns this Builder.
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open fun setLowMemoryMaxSizeMultiplier(lowMemoryMaxSizeMultiplier: Float): MemorySizeCalculator.Builder
Sets the maximum percentage of the device's memory class for low ram devices that can be taken up by Glide's com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.cache.MemoryCache and put together, and returns this builder.
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open fun setMaxSizeMultiplier(maxSizeMultiplier: Float): MemorySizeCalculator.Builder
Sets the maximum percentage of the device's memory class for standard devices that can be taken up by Glide's com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.cache.MemoryCache and put together, and returns this builder.
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open fun setMemoryCacheScreens(memoryCacheScreens: Float): MemorySizeCalculator.Builder
Sets the number of device screens worth of pixels the should be able to hold and returns this Builder.