Interface | Description |
AssetUriLoader.AssetFetcherFactory<Data> |
A factory to build a
DataFetcher for a specific asset path. |
ByteArrayLoader.Converter<Data> |
Converts between a byte array a desired model class.
DataUrlLoader.DataDecoder<Data> |
Allows decoding a specific type of data from a Data URL String.
FileLoader.FileOpener<Data> |
Allows opening a specific type of data from a
File . |
Headers |
An interface for a wrapper for a set of headers to be included in a Glide request.
LazyHeaderFactory |
An interface for lazily creating headers that allows expensive to calculate headers (oauth for
example) to be generated in the background during the first fetch.
Model |
An optional interface that models can implement to enhance control over Glide behaviors.
ModelLoader<Model,Data> |
A factory interface for translating an arbitrarily complex data model into a concrete data type
that can be used by an
DataFetcher to obtain the data for a resource represented by the
model. |
ModelLoaderFactory<T,Y> |
An interface for creating a
ModelLoader for a given model type. |
UriLoader.LocalUriFetcherFactory<Data> |
Factory for obtaining a
DataFetcher for a data type for a particular Uri . |
Class | Description |
AssetUriLoader<Data> |
Loads a specific data type from an Asset Manager Uri.
AssetUriLoader.FileDescriptorFactory |
Factory for loading
ParcelFileDescriptor s from asset manager Uris. |
AssetUriLoader.StreamFactory |
Factory for loading
InputStream s from asset manager Uris. |
ByteArrayLoader<Data> |
A base class to convert byte arrays to input streams so they can be decoded.
ByteArrayLoader.ByteBufferFactory |
Factory for
ByteArrayLoader and ByteBuffer . |
ByteArrayLoader.StreamFactory |
Factory for
ByteArrayLoader and InputStream . |
ByteBufferEncoder |
ByteBuffers to Files . |
ByteBufferFileLoader |
ByteBuffer s using NIO for File . |
ByteBufferFileLoader.Factory |
Factory for
ByteBufferFileLoader . |
DataUrlLoader<Model,Data> |
A simple model loader for loading data from a Data URL String.
DataUrlLoader.StreamFactory<Model> |
Factory for loading
InputStream s from data uris. |
FileLoader<Data> |
A simple model loader for loading data from
File s. |
FileLoader.Factory<Data> |
Base factory for loading data from
files . |
FileLoader.FileDescriptorFactory |
Factory for loading
ParcelFileDescriptor s from File s. |
FileLoader.StreamFactory |
Factory for loading
InputStream s from File s. |
GlideUrl |
A wrapper for strings representing http/https URLs responsible for ensuring URLs are properly
escaped and avoiding unnecessary URL instantiations for loaders that require only string urls
rather than URL objects.
LazyHeaders |
A wrapper class for a set of headers to be included in a Glide request, allowing headers to be
constructed lazily.
LazyHeaders.Builder |
Adds an
LazyHeaderFactory that will be used to construct a value for the given key*
lazily on a background thread. |
MediaStoreFileLoader |
Loads the file path for
MediaStore owned uris . |
MediaStoreFileLoader.Factory | |
ModelCache<A,B> |
A simple cache that can be used by
ModelLoader and ModelLoaderFactory to cache
some data for a given model, width and height. |
ModelLoader.LoadData<Data> |
Contains a set of
Keys identifying the source of the load,
alternate cache keys pointing to equivalent data, and a DataFetcher that can be used to fetch data not found in cache. |
ModelLoaderRegistry |
Maintains an ordered put of
ModelLoader s and the model and data types they handle in
order from highest priority to lowest. |
MultiModelLoaderFactory |
Capable of building an
ModelLoader that wraps one or more other ModelLoader s for
a given model and data class. |
ResourceLoader<Data> |
A model loader for handling Android resource files.
ResourceLoader.AssetFileDescriptorFactory |
AssetFileDescriptor s from resource ids. |
ResourceLoader.FileDescriptorFactory |
Factory for loading
ParcelFileDescriptor s from Android resource ids. |
ResourceLoader.StreamFactory |
Factory for loading
InputStream s from Android resource ids. |
ResourceLoader.UriFactory |
Factory for loading resource
Uri s from Android resource ids. |
StreamEncoder |
Encoder that can write an InputStream to disk. |
StringLoader<Data> |
A model loader for handling certain string models.
StringLoader.AssetFileDescriptorFactory |
AssetFileDescriptor s from Strings. |
StringLoader.FileDescriptorFactory |
Factory for loading
ParcelFileDescriptor s from Strings. |
StringLoader.StreamFactory |
Factory for loading
InputStream s from Strings. |
UnitModelLoader<Model> |
A put of helper classes that performs no loading and instead always returns the given model as
the data to decode.
UnitModelLoader.Factory<Model> |
Factory for producing
UnitModelLoader s. |
UriLoader<Data> |
A ModelLoader for
Uri s that handles local Uri s directly
and routes remote Uri s to a wrapped ModelLoader that handles GlideUrl s. |
UriLoader.AssetFileDescriptorFactory |
AssetFileDescriptor s from Uri s. |
UriLoader.FileDescriptorFactory |
ParcelFileDescriptor s from Uri s. |
UriLoader.StreamFactory |
InputStream s from Uri s. |
UrlUriLoader<Data> |
Handles http/https Uris by delegating to the
ModelLoader for GlideUrls . |
UrlUriLoader.StreamFactory |
InputStreams from Uris with http or
https schemes. |