Interface FutureTarget<R>

Type Parameters:
R - The type of resource this FutureTarget will retrieve.
All Superinterfaces:
Future<R>, LifecycleListener, Target<R>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FutureTarget<R>
extends Future<R>, Target<R>

An interface for an object that is both a Target and a Future. Use as follows:

 FutureTarget<Bitmap> futureTarget = Glide.with(fragment)
                                       .intoFuture(250, 250);
 Bitmap myBitmap = futureTarget.get();
 ... // do things with bitmap and then release when finished:

Note - Future.get() and Future.get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) must be called off of the main thread or they will block forever.

Method Summary
 void clear()
          Safely clears the target from a background thread to release its resources.
Methods inherited from interface java.util.concurrent.Future
cancel, get, get, isCancelled, isDone
Methods inherited from interface
getRequest, getSize, onLoadCleared, onLoadFailed, onLoadStarted, onResourceReady, setRequest
Methods inherited from interface com.bumptech.glide.manager.LifecycleListener
onDestroy, onStart, onStop

Method Detail


void clear()
Safely clears the target from a background thread to release its resources.