Portability | non-portable |
Stability | experimental |
Maintainer | Erin Dahlgren <edahlgren@bu.mp> |
Safe Haskell | None |
Nitro is a fast, secure transport layer for sending messages across TCP and Inproc sockets. It is ideal for building scalable network applications. Nitro depends on the c libraries nitro and nitronacl (https://github.com/bumptech/nitro).
- nitroRuntimeStart :: IO ()
- type NitroSocket = Ptr ()
- data SocketOptions = SocketOptions {}
- defaultOpts :: SocketOptions
- bind :: String -> SocketOptions -> IO NitroSocket
- connect :: String -> SocketOptions -> IO NitroSocket
- withSocket :: IO NitroSocket -> (NitroSocket -> IO a) -> IO a
- close :: NitroSocket -> IO ()
- type NitroFrame = ForeignPtr ()
- bstrToFrame :: ByteString -> IO NitroFrame
- frameToBstr :: NitroFrame -> IO ByteString
- recv :: NitroSocket -> [Flag] -> IO NitroFrame
- send :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()
- reply :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()
- relayFw :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()
- relayBk :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()
- sub :: NitroSocket -> ByteString -> IO ()
- unsub :: NitroSocket -> ByteString -> IO ()
- pub :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> ByteString -> [Flag] -> IO Int
- fileno :: NitroSocket -> IO Int
- data Flag = NoWait
- data NitroError
- = NitroErrNone
- | NitroErrErrno
- | NitroErrAlreadyRunning
- | NitroErrNotRunning
- | NitroErrTcpLocNocolon
- | NitroErrTcpLocBadport
- | NitroErrTcpLocBadipv4
- | NitroErrParseBadTransport
- | NitroErrTcpBadAny
- | NitroErrEagain
- | NitroErrNoRecipient
- | NitroErrEncrypt
- | NitroErrDecrypt
- | NitroErrInvalidClear
- | NitroErrMaxFrameExceeded
- | NitroErrBadProtocolVersion
- | NitroErrDoubleHandshake
- | NitroErrNoHandshake
- | NitroErrBadSub
- | NitroErrBadHandshake
- | NitroErrInvalidCert
- | NitroErrBadInprocOpt
- | NitroErrBadSecure
- | NitroErrInprocAlreadyBound
- | NitroErrInprocNotBound
- | NitroErrInprocNoConnections
- | NitroErrSubAlready
- | NitroErrSubMissing
How to use Nitro sockets
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} import System.Nitro main = do nitroRuntimeStart server <- bind "tcp://" defaultOpts client <- connect "tcp://" defaultOpts fr <- bstrToFrame "Hi I'm a client" send client fr [] recv server [] >>= frameToBstr >>= print
nitroRuntimeStart :: IO ()Source
Start the Nitro runtime manager. This function must be called and must return before calling any other Nitro functions.
type NitroSocket = Ptr ()Source
A Nitro socket
data SocketOptions Source
defaultOpts :: SocketOptionsSource
Default socket options
defaultOpts = SocketOptions { wantFd = False }
bind :: String -> SocketOptions -> IO NitroSocketSource
Create a Nitro socket bound to a TCP address.
connect :: String -> SocketOptions -> IO NitroSocketSource
Create a Nitro socket connected to a TCP address.
withSocket :: IO NitroSocket -> (NitroSocket -> IO a) -> IO aSource
Run an action with a Nitro socket. The socket is garaunteed to close when the action finishes or when an error occurs.
close :: NitroSocket -> IO ()Source
Close a Nitro socket that is either connected or bound.
Distributing messages
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} import System.Nitro import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Monad (forever) main = do nitroRuntimeStart server <- bind "tcp://*:7777" defaultOpts let serverWorker = (\i -> forkIO $ forever $ do fr <- recv server [] threadDelay 1000000 print ("Thread #" ++ (show i)) print . frameToBstr $ msg ) mapM_ serverWorker [1..2] client <- connect "tcp://" client fr1 <- bstrToFrame "Here's a request" send client fr1 [] fr2 <- bstrToFrame "Here's another request" send client fr2 [] threadDelay 2000000
Nitro wraps messages in a transport layer called a NitroFrame. NitroFrames encode routing information about the sender of a message. When you receive a NitroFrame you can use it to reply to the original sender. Compile all multithreaded Nitro code with ghc-option: -threaded
type NitroFrame = ForeignPtr ()Source
A Nitro frame, which contains a message and routing information about the message's sender.
bstrToFrame :: ByteString -> IO NitroFrameSource
Convert a strict bytestring to a NitroFrame.
frameToBstr :: NitroFrame -> IO ByteStringSource
Convert a NitroFrame to a strict bytestring.
recv :: NitroSocket -> [Flag] -> IO NitroFrameSource
Receive a NitroFrame on a Nitro socket. The NitroFrame includes routing information about the sender of the bytestring. The NitroFrame can be given to reply or to the relaying functions in order to route responses back to the sender.
send :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()Source
Send a strict bytestring on a Nitro socket. Nitro sockets do not set a high water mark by default.
Routing messages
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} import System.Nitro import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Monad (forever) main = do nitroRuntimeStart client1 <- connect "tcp://" defaultOpts client2 <- connect "tcp://" defaultOpts fr1 <- bstrToFrame "Hi I want a response" send client1 fr1 [] fr2 <- bstrToFrame "Hi I also want a response" send client2 fr2 [] forkIO $ withSocket (bind "tcp://" defaultOpts) (\echoServer -> forever $ do frame <- recv echoServer [] reply echoServer frame frame [] ) recv client1 [] >>= frameToBstr >>= print recv client2 [] >>= frameToBstr >>= print
Nitro sockets are threadsafe. Many worker threads can receive messages on a shared socket without overlap.
reply :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()Source
Reply to the sender of a NitroFrame. The first NitroFrame is the the sent NitroFrame, and the second NitroFrame is the response.
Proxying messages
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} import System.Nitro import Data.ByteString as BS import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO) import Control.Monad (forever, when) proxy = withSocket (bind "tcp://" defaultOpts) (\proxyRecv -> do withSocket (connect "tcp://" defaultOpts) (\proxySend -> forever $ do frame <- recv proxyRecv [] msg <- frameToBstr when (BS.length msg < 50) $ relayFw proxySend frame frame [] ) ) server = withSocket (bind "tcp://" defaultOpts) (\server -> forever $ do fr <- recv server [] print . frameToBstr $ fr ) main = do nitroRuntimeStart forkIO $ server forkIO $ proxy client <- connect "tcp://" defaultOpts fr1 <- bstrToFrame "Here's a short message" send client fr1 [] fr2 <- "This message is too long for our server, it will be blocked" send client fr2 [] threadDelay 1000000
relayFw :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()Source
Forward a NitroFrame to a new destination, passing along the routing information of the original sender. The first NitroFrame is from the original sender, and the second NitroFrame contains the message to be forwarded. Useful for building proxies.
relayBk :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> NitroFrame -> [Flag] -> IO ()Source
Relay back a NitroFrame by passing along the routing information from a reply. The first NitroFrame is from the replier, and the second NitroFrame contains the message to be relayed back. Useful for building proxies.
Pub/Sub messages
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} import System.Nitro import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) main = do nitroRuntimeStart server <- bind "tcp://" defaultOpts client <- connect "tcp://" defaultOpts sub client "con" threadDelay 1000000 fr <- bstrToFrame "You don't understand" pub server fr "contender" [] recv client [] >>= frameToBstr >>= print
sub :: NitroSocket -> ByteString -> IO ()Source
Subscribe a Nitro socket to a channel prefix. The channel prefix is a strict bytestring. This socket can then receive messages on any channel containing that prefix.
unsub :: NitroSocket -> ByteString -> IO ()Source
Unsubscribe a Nitro socket from a channel prefix. The channel prefix is a strict bytestring.
pub :: NitroSocket -> NitroFrame -> ByteString -> [Flag] -> IO IntSource
Publish a NitroFrame to a channel on a Nitro socket. Any sockets connected to the same location can subscribe to updates from this publisher.
Nitro sockets support a NoWait flag, which makes calls to recv nonblocking. To make this useful, Nitro exposes an Int that represents the file descriptor of a Nitro socket. Registering an intent to read from this file descriptor using the GHC event manager is one way to know when it is safe to do a nonblocking recv.
fileno :: NitroSocket -> IO IntSource
Get the Int representation of a Nitro socket's file descriptor. If wantFd has not been set to True at the creation the Nitro socket, this Int will be meaningless.
defaultOpt { wantFd = True }
data NitroError Source