
Interface Summary
SizeReadyCallback A callback that must be called when the target has determined its size.
Target<R> An interface that Glide can load a resource into and notify of relevant lifecycle events during a load.

Class Summary
AppWidgetTarget This class is used in order to display downloaded Bitmap inside an ImageView of an AppWidget through RemoteViews.
BaseTarget<Z> A base Target for loading Resources that provides basic or empty implementations for most methods.
BitmapImageViewTarget A Target that can display an Bitmap in an ImageView.
DrawableImageViewTarget A target for display Drawable objects in ImageViews.
GlideDrawableImageViewTarget A Target that can display an Drawable in an ImageView.
ImageViewTarget<Z> A base Target for displaying resources in ImageViews.
ImageViewTargetFactory A factory responsible for producing the correct type of Target for a given View subclass.
NotificationTarget This class is used to display downloaded Bitmap inside an ImageView of a Notification through RemoteViews.
PreloadTarget<Z> A one time use Target class that loads a resource into memory and then clears itself.
SimpleTarget<Z> A simple Target base class with default (usually noop) implementations of non essential methods that allows the caller to specify an exact width/height.
SquaringDrawable A wrapper drawable to square the wrapped drawable so that it expands to fill a square with exactly the given side length.
ViewTarget<T extends View,Z> A base Target for loading Bitmaps into Views that provides default implementations for most most methods and can determine the size of views using a ViewTreeObserver.OnDrawListener.