Package com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.cache

Interface Summary
DiskCache An interface for writing to and reading from a disk cache.
DiskCache.Factory An interface for lazily creating a disk cache.
DiskCache.Writer An interface to actually write data to a key in the disk cache.
DiskLruCacheFactory.CacheDirectoryGetter Interface called out of UI thread to get the cache folder.
MemoryCache An interface for adding and removing resources from an in memory cache.
MemoryCache.ResourceRemovedListener An interface that will be called whenever a bitmap is removed from the cache.

Class Summary
DiskCacheAdapter A simple class that returns null for all gets and ignores all writes.
DiskLruCacheFactory Creates an DiskLruCache based disk cache in the specified disk cache directory.
DiskLruCacheWrapper The default DiskCache implementation.
ExternalCacheDiskCacheFactory Creates an DiskLruCache based disk cache in the external disk cache directory.
InternalCacheDiskCacheFactory Creates an DiskLruCache based disk cache in the internal disk cache directory.
LruResourceCache An LRU in memory cache for Resources.
MemoryCacheAdapter A simple class that ignores all puts and returns null for all gets.
MemorySizeCalculator A calculator that tries to intelligently determine cache sizes for a given device based on some constants and the devices screen density, width, and height.