Package com.bumptech.glide.util

Class Summary
ByteArrayPool A pool for reusing byte arrays that produces and contains byte arrays of a fixed size.
ExceptionCatchingInputStream An InputStream that catches IOExceptions during read and skip calls and stores them so they can later be handled or thrown.
FixedPreloadSizeProvider<T> A ListPreloader.PreloadSizeProvider with a fixed width and height.
LogTime A class for logging elapsed real time in millis.
LruCache<T,Y> A general purpose size limited cache that evicts items using an LRU algorithm.
MarkEnforcingInputStream Prevents InputStreams from overflowing their buffer by reading data past their read limit.
MultiClassKey A key of two Classes to be used in hashed collections.
Util A collection of assorted utility classes.
ViewPreloadSizeProvider<T> A ListPreloader.PreloadSizeProvider that will extract the preload size from a given View.