Package com.bumptech.glide.load.model

Interface Summary
ModelLoader<T,Y> A factory interface for translating an arbitrarily complex data model into a concrete data type that can be used by an DataFetcher to obtain the data for a resource represented by the model.
ModelLoaderFactory<T,Y> An interface for creating a ModelLoader for a given model type.

Class Summary
FileLoader<T> A simple model loader for loading data from Files.
GenericLoaderFactory Maintains a map of model class to factory to retrieve a ModelLoaderFactory and/or a ModelLoader for a given model type.
GlideUrl A wrapper for strings representing http/https URLs responsible for ensuring URLs are properly escaped and avoiding unnecessary URL instantiations for loaders that require only string urls rather than URL objects.
ImageVideoModelLoader<A> A wrapper model loader that provides both an InputStream and a ParcelFileDescriptor for a given model type by wrapping an ModelLoader for InputStreams for the given model type and an ModelLoader for ParcelFileDescriptor for the given model type.
ImageVideoWrapper A simple wrapper that wraps an InputStream and/or an ParcelFileDescriptor.
ImageVideoWrapperEncoder A source encoder that writes a ImageVideoWrapper to disk by preferentially writing data from the wrapper's InputStream and falling back to the wrapper's ParcelFileDescriptor if the InputStream isn't available.
ModelCache<A,B> A simple cache that can be used by ModelLoader and ModelLoaderFactory to cache some data for a given model, width and height.
ResourceLoader<T> A model loader for handling Android resource files.
StreamEncoder An Encoder that can write an InputStream to disk.
StringLoader<T> A model loader for handling certain string models.
UriLoader<T> A base ModelLoader for Uris that handles local Uris directly and routes remote Uris to a wrapped ModelLoader that handles GlideUrls.
UrlLoader<T> A wrapper class that translates URL objects into GlideUrl objects and then uses the wrapped ModelLoader for GlideUrls to load the data.