Package com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap

Interface Summary
BitmapDecoder<T> A bitmap decoder for a given resource type.

Class Summary
BitmapDrawableResource A Resource that wraps an BitmapDrawable
BitmapEncoder An ResourceEncoder that writes Bitmaps to OutputStreams.
BitmapResource A resource wrapping a Bitmap object.
BitmapTransformation A simple Transformation for transforming Bitmaps that abstracts away dealing with Resource objects for subclasses.
CenterCrop Scale the image so that either the width of the image matches the given width and the height of the image is greater than the given height or vice versa, and then crop the larger dimension to match the given dimension.
Downsampler A base class with methods for loading and decoding images from InputStreams.
FileDescriptorBitmapDataLoadProvider An DataLoadProvider that provides classes for decoding and encoding Bitmaps from ParcelFileDescriptor data.
FileDescriptorBitmapDecoder An ResourceDecoder for decoding Bitmaps from ParcelFileDescriptor data.
FitCenter Scales the image uniformly (maintaining the image's aspect ratio) so that one of the dimensions of the image will be equal to the given dimension and the other will be less than the given dimension.
GlideBitmapDrawable A static GlideDrawable for displaying a single image.
GlideBitmapDrawableResource A resource wrapper for GlideBitmapDrawable.
ImageHeaderParser A class for parsing the exif orientation and other data from an image header.
ImageVideoBitmapDecoder A ResourceDecoder that decodes ImageVideoWrappers using a wrapped ResourceDecoder for InputStreams and a wrapped ResourceDecoder for ParcelFileDescriptors.
ImageVideoDataLoadProvider A DataLoadProvider for loading either an InputStream or an ParcelFileDescriptor as an Bitmap.
RecyclableBufferedInputStream Wraps an existing InputStream and buffers the input.
StreamBitmapDataLoadProvider An DataLoadProvider that provides decoders and encoders for decoding and caching Bitmaps using InputStream data.
StreamBitmapDecoder An ResourceDecoder that uses an Downsampler to decode an Bitmap from an InputStream.
TransformationUtils A class with methods to efficiently resize Bitmaps.
VideoBitmapDecoder An BitmapDecoder that can decode a thumbnail frame Bitmap from a ParcelFileDescriptor containing a video.

Enum Summary
ImageHeaderParser.ImageType The format of the image data including whether or not the image may include transparent pixels.

Exception Summary
RecyclableBufferedInputStream.InvalidMarkException An exception thrown when a mark can no longer be obeyed because the underlying buffer size is smaller than the amount of data read after the mark position.