Interface ModelLoader<T,Y>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the model.
Y - The type of the data that can be used by a ResourceDecoder to decode a resource.
All Known Subinterfaces:
FileDescriptorModelLoader<T>, StreamModelLoader<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseGlideUrlLoader, FileDescriptorFileLoader, FileDescriptorResourceLoader, FileDescriptorStringLoader, FileDescriptorUriLoader, FileLoader, HttpUrlGlideUrlLoader, ImageVideoModelLoader, MediaStoreStreamLoader, ResourceLoader, StreamByteArrayLoader, StreamFileLoader, StreamResourceLoader, StreamStringLoader, StreamUriLoader, StreamUrlLoader, StringLoader, UriLoader, UrlLoader

public interface ModelLoader<T,Y>

A factory interface for translating an arbitrarily complex data model into a concrete data type that can be used by an DataFetcher to obtain the data for a resource represented by the model.

This interface has two objectives: 1. To translate a specific model into a data type that can be decoded into a resource. 2. To allow a model to be combined with the dimensions of the view to fetch a resource of a specific size. This not only avoids having to duplicate dimensions in xml and in your code in order to determine the size of a view on devices with different densities, but also allows you to use layout weights or otherwise programatically set the dimensions of the view without forcing you to fetch a generic resource size. The smaller the resource you fetch, the less bandwidth and battery life you use, and the lower your memory footprint per resource.

Method Summary
 DataFetcher<Y> getResourceFetcher(T model, int width, int height)
          Obtains an DataFetcher that can fetch the data required to decode the resource represented by this model.

Method Detail


DataFetcher<Y> getResourceFetcher(T model,
                                  int width,
                                  int height)
Obtains an DataFetcher that can fetch the data required to decode the resource represented by this model. The DataFetcher will not be used if the resource is already cached.

Note - If no valid data fetcher can be returned (for example if a model has a null URL), then it is acceptable to return a null data fetcher from this method. Doing so will be treated any other failure or exception during the load process.

model - The model representing the resource.
width - The width of the view or target the resource will be loaded into
height - The height of the view or target the resource will be loaded into
A DataFetcher that can obtain the data the resource can be decoded from if the resource is not cached, or null if no valid DataFetcher could be constructed.